Position: | Professor |
Degree: | Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Science |
Title: | Professor |
Room: | 602 |
Phone: | (044)521-33-45 |
E-mail: | a-y-doroshenko@ukr.net |
Research interests: | cluster parallel computing, grid-technology and metakomp’yuterni system, agent-oriented technologies and tools intellectualization programming, krupnomasshabni computing applications (meteorology, ecology, bioinformatics, etc..), digital library automation and scientific research |
1. Премія НАН України імені С.О. Лєбєдєва, 2014
2. Грамота Верховної Ради України, 2005.
1. Методи паралельних обчислень, бакалаври, 4-й курс, лекції.
2. Коректність програм та логіки програмування, бакалавр, 4-й курс, семінарські заняття.
3. Верифікація і валідація програмних систем, магістри, 1 курс, лекції
1. Eugene Tulika, Anatoliy Doroshenko, and Kostiantyn Zhereb, Using Choreography of Actors and Rewriting Rules to Adapt Legacy Fortran Programs to Cloud Computing. In “Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications”, A. Ginige et al. (Eds.): ICTERI 2016, CCIS 783, Springer International Publishing AG, pp. 1–21, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69965-3_5.
2. Doroshenko A., Ivanenko P., Ovdii O., Yatsenko O. Automated Program Design – an Example Solving a Weather Forecasting Problem // Open Physics. – 2016. – Vol. 14, Issue 1. – P. 410–419. – https://doi.org/10.1515/phys-2016-0048
3. Vitaliy A. Prusov and Anatoliy Y. Doroshenko, Hydrodynamic Modeling of Industrial Pollutants Spreading in Atmosphere // in "Mathematical Problems in Meteorological Modelling" (András Bátkai, Petra Csomós, András Horányi, István Faragó, Gabriella Szépszó (eds.)), MATHEMATICS IN INDUSTRY, vol. 24, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016, pp. 87-116.
4. Titov D., Doroshenko A., Yatsenko O. Automated design of a parallel distributed system for streaming data processing // Proc. 2016 International Conference Radio Electronics & Info Communications (UkrMiCo), Kiev, Ukraine (11–16 September 2016). – 2016. – P. 1–5. doi: 10.1109/UkrMiCo.2016.7739641