
Head — Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Tereshchenko V.M.
Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics, Department of Mathematical Informatics
The department specializes in the following areas: artificial intelligence, computer linguistics, information security, distributed computing, local algorithms.
The department has a research laboratory of high-performance information processing systems, which was created by order of the rector from 18.05.1983.
Algorithmics, information systems and databases, artificial intelligence, computational geometry and computer graphics.

Department of Mathematical Informatics



8 professors and doctors of science, 7 associate professors and candidates of sciences



Employees of the department read 30 normative and special courses



In 1964 the Department of Mathematical Linguistics was established


Full name: Office Research interests
Prof. Anatoly V. Anisimov 703 discrete mathematics, coding, computational linguistics, theory of computing, complexity of algorithms, data compression and data protection, cryptography, parallel algorithms and programming, quantum computers and quantum computations, recursive transformers of information, neurocomputing, artificial intelligence
Prof. Vasyl M. Tereshchenko 708 computational geometry, computer graphics, simulation and visualization of of complex phenomena and processes, theory of algorithms, pattern recognition, parallel computing, thermo-mechanics of heterogeneous solids non-stationary processes, database and information systems
Prof. Volodymyr A. Zaslavsky 711 risk analysis and optimization, informational security and cryptography, corporate systems
Prof. Mykola M. Glibovets 708 intelligent systems, distributed information processing systems
Prof. Liana A. Tymashova
Prof. Iryna M. Vergunova 711 imulation of physical-chemical processes in the soil, agrobioprocesses and agricultural technologies, processes in agricultural landscapes and agriecosystems, technological schemes of growing crops, the issues of optimal control and construction of agritechnologies, the issues of agriecological monitoring and optimization of agriecological systems, numerical methods for solving of evolutionary differential equations, fuzzy models of technological schemes of growing crops, the application of functional structures for describing of agricultural technologies
Prof. Oleksandr O. Marchenko 708 artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, natural language text processing, ontological knowledge bases
Assoc. Prof. Petro P. Kuliabko 708 database management systems, parallel algorithms and parallel programming, theory and practice of programming language compilation
Assoc. Prof. Oleksandr V. Derevianchenko 708 parallel programming, databases, linguistics, information security, WEB-programming, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, graph theory, algorithms and programming techniques
Assoc. Prof. Igor O. Zavadsky 708 coding theory, architecture of parallel computing, multidigit arithmetic, distributed and quantum computing, e-learning, database management systems
Assist. Prof. Tetiana V. Kolianova 711 socio-economic processes, mathematical modeling, modeling of biological processes, operations research
Assist. Prof. Volodymyr Yu. Taranukha 708 computational linguistics, artificial intelligence
Assist. Prof. Alexander A. Timashov computer information and control systems in various industries.